Research is one of the main focus area and expertise of Nitsuh Ethiopia. We do have pool of expert working with us in different disciplines.  Nitsuh Ethiopia has the capacity and the connections to mobilize large team of experts in Africa and beyond.

 Our prior experience of managing mega research projects including national surveys (The first Ethiopian population based TB prevalence Survey, MARPS survey etc) and overseas experiences of providing technical support to prevalence surveys  and studies of the Sudan, Ghana, Cambodia Zimbabwe and Malawi help us to understand the different requirement of research settings in a versatile cultural and  socioeconomic backgrounds.

  • We can help your organization by developing research protocols, data capturing tools, training materials, translation of questionnaires and consent forms in to different languages etc.
  • Manage the entire research project on behalf of our clients/ beneficiaries
  • Conduct baseline surveys for new program interventions, midterm, end term reviews, both environmental and infectious diseases impact and quality of care / service assessments.
  • We can assist in analysis, interpretation, report writings, dissemination and publications if you have collected data.
  • We can organize differ type of longitudinal studies, quick assessments and conferences or decimation workshops based of the need of our clients.

We are translating important research findings in Ethiopia and beyond and broadcast them in different format to make those studies accessible to the society and reinforce their positive impact in the day to day life of the community.  Please contact us for further details, click here.