Nitsuh Ethiopia is committed to provide Technical Support for any project that are at planning, implementation and closing stages on health, Safety Environment and related disciplines to governmental, non-governmental/bilateral and private organizations/institutions.

We do have the necessary pool of experts working with us in different disciplines. The founding members of Nitsuh Ethiopia have rich experience in providing technical support to different countries research and program implementation projects starting form:

  • Concept note development,
  • Designing the implementation settings,
  • Development of strategies, policy documents and different tools,
  • Provision of training programs,
  • Conduct different project evaluations from baseline, mid and end term evaluations,

We used to assist countries/companies in development of grant winning concept notes/proposals especially for the Global Fund fighting, AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria grant applications. Onsite data verification, capacity assessments to be principal or sub recipients, detail plan preparations like monitoring and evaluation plans, procurement plans for different programs etc. for further details please contact us, click here.