Infectious Diseases:  

Infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi: the diseases can be spread, directly or indirectly, from one person to another through water, food, inanimate objects and contact with other animals. Zoonotic diseases are infectious diseases of animals that can cause disease when transmitted to humans. 

Nitsuh Ethiopia is dedicated and experienced in providing professional services including, consultancy services, design and implementation of different, strategies, interventions to mitigate the spread and impact of infectious diseases. We design and implement research projects on programmatic and public health interventions, clinical managements and control measures of various infectious diseases.

Based on their size, structure and characteristics almost all causative agents  of infectious diseases are categorized under the following broader groups. The list is organizing in descending order by size. 

  • Helminth                                         
  • Fungi
  • Protozoa
  • Bacteria
  • Rickettsia and
  • Virus

         hookworms01                        blood-inf

Nitsuh Ethiopia promotes and conducts Infectious Diseases Impact Assessment (IIA) for different infrastructure projects that can change the biological homeostasis, the topography, and weather condition and population pattern of a given area.  Periodic risk assessments and forecasting the likelihood of emergence of infectious diseases are also our services as part of ongoing IIA.

Experts at Nitsuh Ethiopia have rich experiences on interventions of Global Fund target diseases and their interventions (AIDS, TB and Malaria), National TB and MDR TB surveys. Water, Hygiene and Sanitation related diseases, Vaccine preventable diseases, Neglected tropical diseases, Zoonotic diseases etc. 
