Globalization and Health

Globalization is ceaselessly modifying our world and the health concept too. The technological advancement of the past decades significantly increased the movement of people and goods, creating new challenges to global health. A person with disease of public health concern could start the day by having breakfast in Paris, lunch in Jerusalem, dinner in Addis Ababa and another breakfast in Cape Town. Within 24 hours the person can cover three continents and spread the infection in such speed. The global movement of goods has also similar and devastating effect. Globalization also eludes national binderies of sovereign states and indigenous knowledge of diseases prevention and control.


In old time any sporadic disease emerged in any corner of the world, could only affect the nearby communities and stability can be reached in a short time. Because of the fast movement of people and goods, pathogens could reach to new areas where none immune and susceptible people are living, before diagnostic and control methods are established. Not only pathogens, heavy metal containing goods (including food items) and contaminated with toxic and carcinogen substances, radioactive wastes can also travel in the same trend knowingly or unknowingly mostly to countries where test and regulatory capacity are limited. Lessons learned, test experiences and technology transfer, improved knowledge and lifestyle could be considered as the positive side of Globalization.

In general, globalization has many dimensions, including technological, economic, scientific, political, social and cultural aspects. The interplay between globalization and health are complex and globalization is a multifaceted phenomenon that can affect health and safety in many ways. The consequences can be direct at the level of whole populations, individuals and healthcare delivery systems or indirect, through the economy, water, sanitation and other infrastructures.

Nitsuh Ethiopia is evaluating and interpreting the global situations, the pattern of disease transmissions and substances that can affect the health of the society in a given geographic settings and provide any sort of technical support, training and policy advise to concerned bodies in the horn of Africa and beyond.