Nutrition and Health

According to World Health Organization, Nutrition is defined as the intake of food, considered in relation to the body’s dietary needs. Nitration is one of the main detriments of health and survival. Combination of good nutrition, balanced diet, absence of substance abuse/ addiction and  stress, regular physical activity/Exercise,  hygienic life style ( living in safe, green and clean environment) are the corner stone for good health at individual and society level.

Poor nutrition usually resulted in:

  1. Week immunity/poor defense mechanism against diseases,
  2. Increased susceptibility to disease,
  3. Impaired physical and mental development, and
  4. Reduced creativity and productivity,

Good nutrition is not only about health, it is also determines the futurity of the society/ the nation. Nutrition directly associated with the physical strength, reproduction capacity and mental power of the society that also determine the benefit and the outcome of any computation in any discipline of the entire world. Nutrition especially micro nutrients are strongly associated with health, stamina and personality of an individual and the society at large.

Nitsuh Ethiopia focus on awareness creation through mass media, consultancy services, policy analysis/ brief, facilitation and provision of training for different groups. In addition to the professional services being provided for 3rd parties, we focus on the impact and the role of nutrition for health and societal development in the society. We constantly indicates malpractices and good nutrition sources in Ethiopian food using different outlets. The society will be updated on the list of determinate micro nutrients and their available sources in relation to evidences and research developments.

For further reading on nutrition and health, you can find materials from WHO website.