Occupational health and safety


Work place is a potentially hazardous environment where most people pass at least one-third of their life time. This is a fact that has been recognized long years ago, nonetheless no due attention is given to it or the concept is progressing very slowly in the developing world where the majority of the global population resides.

The rapid growth of industrial and agricultural sector in developing countries, and also the emergence of new products and processes from such areas impose the question of occupational health and safety.

Occupational health and safety program must be part of any business management system as it is the most effective strategy for managing health and safety of the employees. Investments related to occupational health and Safety called wise investments pays off the company by increases the productivity and profitability of the business by increasing comfort and low attrition of skilled workforce, reducing injury lost times (ILT), decreasing medication and insurance costs, minimizing work related sick leaves, avoiding shifts due to incidents, work stoppages etc.


  • To identify the hazards and problems related to the hazardous conditions and designing a means to prevention and control of such hazards in the work places
  • To create the concept of occupational health and safety to the general public which covers the occupational health and safety hazards from home level to the real working place
  • To enhance the concepts and development of safety and health management system and its elements, job roles and steps to set up the management system to various business sectors
  • To discuss the elements of safety and health management programs with which includes safety & health training, management commitment & employee involvement, hazard prevention and control, work site analysis etc.
  • To explain the benefits of various occupational health and safety management approaches to the employers, managers and the employee
  • To enlighten the responsibilities to the employers, managers and the employee regarding ` occupational health and safety
  • To conduct a job safety and environmental assessment and hazard analysis to reduce the level of risk to an acceptable level
  • To assist in planning and initiate the employer, managers and employee/workers in the risk reduction procedures so as to prevent accidents and near misses’ in the working place
  • To increase the level of awareness to employers, managers and workers on:

                      –  Hazard identification and incident reporting procedures,

                       – Hazard exposure and medical records at the working places,

                       – Emergency and first aid procedures,

                       – The use and applications of personal protective devices (PPE),

                       – Safe manual handling of tools and equipment’s,

                        – Good safety and housekeeping in offices as it is in other workplaces,

                        – Unacceptable behavior, bullying, occupational violence’s, discrimination and                                                   harassment etc. in the working place

  • To consult companies, organizations, factories, industries, institutions, etc. in the development, preparation and implementation of a written and complete hazard communication program that includes information on labeling, safety data sheet (SDS), workers training etc.
  • To participate in the policy design and development programs by the government and other stake holders who are working in the in the areas of occupational health and safety
  • To contribute and assist in the implementation of occupational health and safety policy by being part of the operational measures in:

                              – Legislation, enforcement and collective agreements,

                               – Occupational health surveillance,

                               – Occupational health services

                                – Preventive and protective measures

                                – Health promotion, education and training

  • To enhance and advocate the application of injury and disability compensation for public safety employee’s.

Nitsuh Ethiopia is working in the business sectors with various actors in the decline of HSE including: Governmental and non-governmental organizations, construction companies, industries, factories, small scale enterprises, etc. starting from policy development to the implementation of occupational health and safety through consulting, media program, training, researching, risk assessment, job safety and environmental analysis, etc. so as to enhance safe work practices, comfortable working environment  and promote health in such working places Click here to contact us.