
Ergonomics is ‘laws of work’ or ‘rules or study of work’. It is also referred to as ‘human factors’ which mean that ergonomics is concerned with appropriate design for people, Designing of jobs, equipment, systems, processes and environments so that the work tasks and activities fit human physical characteristics and energy limitations and make the best use of their capabilities. Ergonomics considers body dimensions, mobility, and the body’s stress behavior and it is the science and philosophy of “Make the work fit the person, not the person fit the work”. Therefore, the focus of the design is on the person or a group of people.

Scope of ergonomics:
Ergonomists and designers take into account a wide range of human factors and consider the biological, physical and psychological characteristics as well as the needs of people – how they see, hear, understand, make decisions and take action. They also consider individual differences including those that occur due to age, fitness/health, or disability and how these may alter people’s responses and behaviors.
Goals of ergonomics:
The main aim of ergonomics is to identify the possible risk factors and set preventive strategies so at to reduce work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) developed by workers. Following are some of the work related risk factors that people could expose in their jobs:

  •  Awkward postures
  • Static positions
  • Reaching
  • Bending & Lifting
  • Force
  • Repetition
  • Contact stress
  • Vibration
  • Repetition

Benefits of ergonomics

Ergonomics is applied to the design of workplace and tasks related to any business activity. It is often referred to as occupational ergonomics within the OHS community. As such it aims to:
 Promote health,
 Safer jobs with fewer injuries,
 Increase efficiency and productivity,
 Improve quality and fewer errors,
 Improved morale/confidence,
 Well being in employees by designing for safe, satisfying and productive work.

Positive performance factors such as worker comfort, well being, efficiency and productivity are all considered in determining how to achieve an acceptable result. In this respect ergonomics is different from many other areas of OHS hazard management, where the primary aim is to reduce risks of injury or disease. Good ergonomics in the workplace should improve productivity and morale and decrease injuries, sick leave, staff turnover and absenteeism.

Elements in occupational ergonomics:

When analyzing work and how it can be improved from an ergonomics point of view there are five elements that need to be addressed:

 The worker
 The task/job type and design
 The working environment
 The equipment design
 The organizational factor

Nitsuh Ethiopia is interested to work with the people, the government, managers of different organizations, institutions, commercials and anyone interested in provisions of different training specific to the business, conducting hazard identification and risk analysis (HIRA) of the work place, perform Job safety analysis (JSA) of the working environment and job safety audit, conduct accident and incident investigation etc. and generally we strive to enhance the applications of ergonomics in the workplace and measuring the benefits of ergonomics so as to give ergonomic solutions to such problems which in turn increase productivity and profit of the business via systematic, safe and health working conditions.